List of Publications

139  Ingo Harre
New Developments in Maritime Safety and Harbour Security Systems
EMHC (European Harbour Masters’ Conference) seminar ‘Beyond ISPS - further Enhancing Port Security’,
Aarhus, Denmark, 14 June 2007

138  Ingo Harre
VTMIS – Where to Go  (– Part 1)
VTS Future Conference
Netherlands Institute of Navigation (NIN)
Rotterdam, 01 December 2005

137  Ingo Harre
AIS Aboard and in VTS – Where to Go from Here
International Symposium INFORMATION ON SHIPS – ISIS 2004
German Institute of Navigation – DGON
Hamburg 23 – 24 September 20042
published in the conference proceedings.

136  I. Harre, J. Meine
VTS is more efficient with AIS and MIS extensions
Port Technology International, Summer 2004

135  Ingo Harre & Jürgen Meine
The Maritime Traffic Image is now Realty
4th Congress of the International Harbour Masters’ Association
Bremen, 23 – 28 May, 2004

134  Ingo Harre
RCS in Radar Range Calculations for Maritime Targets
published in my personal website in December 2003.

133  Ingo Harre
Radar-Rückstrahleigenschaften von maritimen Zielen -
Grundlagen und offene Fragen
(Radar Reflection Properties of Maritime Targets -
Basics and Open Questions)
DGON Schiffahrtstage
(Maritime Days by German Institute of Navigation)
Kiel 12/13 November 2003
Powerpoint presentation.

132  Ingo Harre
Statistische Größen des RCS – einige offene Fragen
(Statistical Properties of RCS – Some open Questions)
German Navy Workshop
Eckernförde, 01 October 2003
Powerpoint presentation.

131  Ingo Harre, Dr. Heino Dobiasch
Modern Coastal Surveillance -
A System to Meet the Future Maritime Security Challenge
LIMA 2003 Maritime Conference,
Langkawi, Malaysia,
29 September – 5 October 2003
Paper available.

130  Ingo Harre
RCS in Range Prediction for Maritime Targets
International Radar Symposion IRS 2003
DGON (German Institute of Navigation)
Dresden, 30 September – 02 October 2003
published in the conference proceedings.

129  Ingo Harre
The Maritime Traffic Image – Maps, Sensors, Tools
11th IAIN (International Association of Institutes of Navigation) World Congress,
Berlin, 21 -24 October 2003
published in the conference proceedings

128  Ingo Harre
(The Impact on the Equipment Composition and on Day-to-Day Operations)
European Journal of Navigation, Vol. 1, No. 1, April 2003
issued by NIN, DGON, NNF, published by GITC bv, ISSN 1571-473-X

127  I. Harre
Traffic Management and Hydrography in the Maritime Information Chain
HYDRO 2002, Conference jointly organised by the German Hydrographic Society (DHyG) and The Hydrographic Society,
Kiel, 08 – 10 October 2002,
Powerpoint presentation

126  I. Harre
AIS in VTS – The Impact on the Equipment Composition and on Day-to-Day Operations
International Symposium INFORMATION ON SHIPS – ISIS 2002
German Institute of Navigation – DGON
Hamburg 18 – 19 September 2002
published in the conference proceedings.

125  I. Harre
Hydrographie – Was ist das eigentlich?
(Hydrography – What’s behind this term?)
13. Mittwochsforum
STN ATLAS Elektronik
Bremen, 19.
Juni 2002

124  I. Harre
An Integrated Approach to Vessel Traffic Management and Information Services
1st Annual European Energy and Transport Conference,
'A Safer Tomorrow', organised by the European Commission,
Barcelona, 18 – 19 October 2001
paper available.

123  C.C. Glansdorp, I. Harre, W.F.M van der Hijden
AIS and the Development of a Communication Platform for Inland Waterways
"eMobility a Stimulus for Intermodality" Conference,
Brussels, Belgium, 16-17 October 2001

122  I. Harre
AIS in VTS – Experience from R&D Projects and Real-World Implementation
'Automatic Identification Systems'
Workshop by the Netherlands Institute of Navigation (NIN)
Rotterdam/Netherlands, 8 June 2001
Powerpoint presentation published in the Conference Proceedings

121  I. Harre
AIS-Erprobungsergebnisse und Einsatzerfahrungen in VTS
(AIS - Results of Trials and Implementation in VTS)
Powerpoint presentation presented during 'Shipping Days'
Symposium by German Institute of Navigation (DGON), Hamburg, 23 May 2001.

120  M. Hohmann, I. Harre
Von der Meßtechnik zum Vermessungsschiff -
die industrielle Bedeutung der Hydrographie

(From Survey Instrumentation to Survey Vessel -
the Industrial Importance of Hydrography)
Lecture presented at 'Berlin Evening' of German Hydrographic Society (DHyG), 08 March 2001;
published in 'Hydrographische Nachrichten', No. 60/2001

119. Ingo Harre
A Standardized Algorithm for the Determination of Position Errors by the Example of GPS with and without 'Selective Availability'
published in The International Hydrographic Journal,
Vol. 2, No. 1 (New Series), June 2001,
algorithms/calculations are available under

118. Ingo Harre
Ein standardisiertes Verfahren zur Bestimmung von Positionsfehlern von GPS mit und ohne 'Selective Availability'
(A Standardized Algorithm for the Determination of Position Errors by the Example of GPS with and without 'Selective Availability')
published in Hydrographische Nachrichten, No. 59,
German Hydrographic Society (DHyG),
(German Hydrographic Society),
algorithms/calculations are available under

117. Ingo Harre
Estado de Desenvolvimento de Sistemas de Controlo de Tráfego Marítimo
(New Technical Developments in Vessel Traffic Services)
Short form of paper (#116), published in MAR, special edition of IMP house journal.

116. Ingo Harre
New Technical Developments in Vessel Traffic Services
Paper Presented at "VTS Jornadas Técnicas: Por uma Navega
ção mais Segura" organised by Instituto Marítimo-Portuário (IMP), Lisboa, 8/9 November 2000.

115. Ingo Harre
AIS Adding New Quality to VTS Systems
Journal of Navigation, Vol. 53, No. 3 (2000),
Royal Institute of Navigation.

114. Ingo Harre, Steve Furness, Gary A. Fleming
VTMIS – Services Integration in the Port of Harwich
ISIS 2000, International Symposium ‘Information on Ships’, conference organised by DGON (German Institute of Navigation), Wilhelmshaven, Germany, September 11 – 13, 2000.

113. Ingo Harre
The German Hydrographic Society (DHyG) – An Efficient and Independent Professional Organisation
Hydrographische Nachrichten, No. 56, Juni 2000,
Deutsche Hydrographische Gesellschaft (DHyG)
(German Hydrographic Society).

112. Ingo Harre, Steve Furness, Gary A. Fleming
VTNIS – The Port of Harwich Solution
SASMEX 2000, Brighton, U.K., 09 – 11 May 2000
published in the conference proceedings.

111. Mike Hadley, Ingo Harre
Vessel Traffic Management and Information Services (VTMIS)
2nd Biennial Congress of the International Harbour Master Association, Dubai, UAE, 29 April – 3 May 2000,
published in the conference proceedings.

110. Ingo Harre
The German Hydrographic Society – An Efficient and Independent Professional Organisation
Hydro International, Nov/Dec 1999, Lemmer, The Netherlands.

109. Ingo Harre
AIS and ECDIS in the BAFEGIS Project
VTMIS Concerted Action Conclusive Workshop,
Carré des Sciences, Paris, 21 October 1999

108. Ingo Harre
AIS Adding New Quality to VTS Systems
1st European Symposium on Transport Telematics (ETT 99/ SATNAV 99), jointly organised by DGON and NIN, Potsdam, 08 – 12 Nov 1999, published in the conference proceedings.

107. Ingo Harre
AIS Applications – The Canal VTS
The EU VTMIS-NET Project – Presentation of Development Results in Brunsbüttel/Germany, 01 July 1999

106. Ingo Harre
AIS Applications – Track Fusion and VTS Networking
The EU VTMIS-NET Project - Presentation of Development Results in Malmö/Sweden, 21 April 1999

105. Ingo Harre
AIS-Applikationen im EU-Projekt ‚POSEIDON‘
DGON-Working Group ‚Transponder‘
Hamburg, 17. March 1999

104.     Prof. Dr. K. Benedict, Prof. Dr. R. Müller,
Dipl.-Ing. I. Harre,
BAFEGIS – An Approach for Increased Ro/Ro Ferry Safety
ISIS 98, International Symposium on Ships,
conference organised by DGON (German Institute of Navigation), held aboard M/F Kronprins Harald, 22. – 24. November 1998, published in the conference proceedings.

103. Ingo Harre, Jürgen Meine
ECDIS in VTS, Applicational Considerations and First Results
Navigation, Revue Technique de l’Institut de Navigation,
volume 46, numéro 183, Juillet 1998.

102. Ingo Harre, Jürgen Meine
ECDIS in VTS, Applicational Considerations and First Results
Hydrographische Nachrichten, No. 48
Deutsche Hydrographische Gesellschaft e.V.

101. Ingo Harre, Jürgen Meine
ECDIS in VTS, Applicational Considerations and First Results
Safety at Sea Conference 1998 (SASMEX 1998)
Brighton, 21 - 23 April 1998
published in the conference proceedings.

100. Ingo Harre
Transpondereinsatz im Projekt ‘BAFEGIS’
(Use of Transponders in the BAFEGIS Project)
AG ‘Transponder’ of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ortung und Navigation, Hamburg, 18. March 1998

99.  Ingo Harre
Baltic Ferry Guidance and Information System (BAFEGIS)
- aus der Sicht eines Herstellers
(- a Manufacturer's View)
Warnemünder Schiffahrtskolleg,
Schiffahrtsinstitut Warnemünde, 26/27 November 1997.

98.  Ingo Harre
VTMIS - European Vessel Traffic Management and Information Services
9th World Congress of the International Association of Institutes of Navigation (IAIN),
Amsterdam, 18 - 21 November 1997
published in the conference proceedings.

97.  Ingo Harre
An Improved Transmission Scheme for Automatic Identification Systems (AIS) Using the Broadcast Principle - The Loa Concept -
Ortung und Navigation, DGON, No. 2, 1997.

96.  Ingo Harre
VTMIS - A European Perspective for Improved Coastal and Port Traffic Management
Workshop: ‘Telematic Applications to the Polish Environment’, Gdynia, Poland, 06 May 1991

95.  Ingo Harre
BAFEGIS - Baltic Sea Ferry Guidance and Information System
MARIS Workshop (G7-Initiative)
Ottawa, Kanada, 20.02.97

94.  Ph. Stalins, presented by I. Harre
COST 326, A European Action In the Field of Electronic Chart Display and Information Systems
MARIS Workshop (G7-Initiative)
Ottawa, Kanada, 20.02.97

93.  Ingo Harre
Die DHyG im World-Wide Web!
Hydrographische Nachrichten', Deutsche Hydrographische Gesellschaft, ISSN 0934-7747, No. 42, December 1996.

92.  Ingo Harre
Bericht über das EU F&E-Projekt ‘POSEIDON’ und über weitere Transponderprojekte
(Report on the EU Project POSEIDON and on Further Transponder-Related Projects)
Working Group ‘Transponders’ of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ortung und Navigation (DGON),. Session No 6/96,
Hamburg, 28.11.96.

91.  Ingo Harre
Maritime Verkehrsüberwachungssysteme
Maritime Technology Workshop
held by Gesellschaft für Maritime Technik (GMT) in co-operation with Deutsches Komitee für Meeresforschung und Meerestechnik (DKMM) and Verband für Schiffbau und Meerestechnik (VSM), Hamburg, 06 November 1996.

90.  Ingo Harre
Common VTS Solutions for Europe
International Symposium 'Information on Ships' (ISIS '96)
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ortung und Navigation (DGON), in co-operation with Verband Deutscher Reeder (VDR), under auspices of the Federal Minister of Research, Technology and Education, Dr. J. Rüttgers, Hamburg, 29/30 October 1996, published in the conference proceedings.

89.  Ingo Harre
Die DHyG im World-wide Web?
(DHyG in the World-Wide Web?)
Hydrographer's Days 1996 by Deutsche Hydrographische Gesellschaft, Glücksburg, 03 – 05.06.1996,
published in the conference proceedings.

88.  I. Harre (read by W. Ohlrogge)
VTMIS - The European Approach for Complex Maritime Traffic Management
International Symposium on Maritime Industries
on the occasion of the Commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of Korea Maritime University,
Pusan, 2-3 November 1995, published in the conference proceedings.

87.  M. Fairbanks, I. Harre, J. Anselmo
Institutional Aspects Concerning the Application of Satellite Navigation Systems to Transport
1st International Radio Navigation Conference,
Moskau, 26 - 30.06.1995, published in English and Russian language: 'Navigation-95', Proceedings of The First International Radionavigation Conference,
ISBN 2 910312 05 4.

86.  M. Fairbanks, I. Harre, J. Anselmo
Institutional Aspects Concerning the Application of Satellite Navigation Systems to Transport
The Space Congress, Bremen, 23 - 25.May 1995,
published in the conference proceedings: ‘Navigation & Communication for Maritime & Land Mobile Applications´, ISBN 3-929663-12-0.

85.  Ingo Harre
Forschungs- und Entwicklungsprogramme der Europäischen Union im Bereich der Binnen- und Seeschiffahrt
(R&D Programs of the EU in the Area of Inshore and High-Seas Shipping)
9th Hydrographers' Days of Deutsche Hydrographische Gesellschaft, Hamburg, 26 –27 September 1994,
published in the conference proceedings: ´Beiträge zum 9. Hydrographentag - Neue hydrographische Meßmethoden - Gerätetechnik und Betriebserfahrungen´, 1994.

This paper was also presented on 16 February 1995 at a meeting of 'Wirtschaftsrat der CDU' in Bremen and on 28 February in a session of ‘Runder Tisch Maritimer Umweltschutz und Meerestechnik´ organised by Bremer Umweltsenator.

84.  Ingo Harre
Swathe Sounding
Ad hoc Expert Group Meeting on Maritime Hydrographic Surveying and Nautical Charting, United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia,
Amman and Aqaba, 08 –12 May, 1994

83.  Ingo Harre
Underwater Acoustics, Echo Sounding
Ad hoc Expert Group Meeting on Maritime Hydrographic Surveying and Nautical Charting, United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia,
Amman and Aqaba, 08 -12 May, 1994

82.  Ingo Harre
VTS Aktivitäten und Forschungsprojekte
der Europäischen Union
(VTS Activities and R&D Projects of the EU)
VTS Symposium by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ortung und Navigation, Cuxhaven, 26 - 27 April 1994,
published in the conference proceedings: ´VTS Symposium 1994 - Weiterentwicklungen, Möglichkeiten und Grenzen von VTS´, 1994

81.  Ingo Harre
Genauigkeitsbegrenzende Einflüsse bei Fächerlotmessungen,
insbesondere in flacheren Gewässern und bei großer Überdeckung
(Factors Limiting Accuracy of Multi-Beam Soundings in Shallow Waters and with Wide-Coverage Systems)
Geodetic Colloquium 93/94, jointly organised by Fachhochschule Hamburg, Deutscher Verein für Vermessungswesen, Verband Deutscher Vermessungs-ingenieure, and Deutsche Hydrographische Gesellschaft,
Fachhochschule Hamburg, 08.12.1993

80.  Ingo Harre
Surveying and Mapping Conference
Toronto, Kanada, 8 -11 June 1993
DHYG Information 10/93, Deutsche Hydrographische Gesellschaft e.V.

79.  Ingo Harre
HYDROMAP 300 Processing System
Shallow-Water Multibeam Processing User Group Meeting
organised by NOAA - C&GS - Hydro Surveys Branch, Toronto, Canada, June 8, 1993

78.  Ingo Harre
HYDRO '92 - 8. Zweijährliches Internationales Symposium der 'Hydrographic Society'
(Report on 8th Biennial Symposium of the Hydrographic Society), DHYG Information 4/93, Deutsche Hydrographische Gesellschaft e.V.

77.  I. Harre
State-of-the-Art Single and Multi-Beam Echosounders for Hydrographic Surveying and Ground Discrimination
SURVEY and MAPPING 93, UK National Land Surveying and Mapping Conference, University of Keele, Staffordshire, UK, 2 -6 April 1993

76.  I. Harre
LOCDEV - An Algorithm and Program to Establish the Precision of Multibeam Echosounders Across the Swath
HYDRO 92 - Eighth Biennial International Symposium of
The Hydrographic Society, Copenhagen, 30 Nov – 3 Dec 1992

75.  I. Harre
Multi-Beam Echosounders for Inshore to High-Seas Applications and the Related Data Processing -
An Equipment Survey
HYDRO 92 - Eighth Biennial International Symposium of
The Hydrographic Society, Copenhagen, 30 Nov - 3 Dec 1992

74.  I. Harre
The New Atlas Concept for an Integrated Navigation and Scientific Data Management System for Research Vessels
Symposium on Ocean Technology, National Institute of Oceanography, Dona Paula, Goa, India, 27 - 29.08.1992

73.  I. Harre, V. Meyer
Fansweep Tests - Manufacturer's Comments
Edition 45, Spring 1992
Burlington, Ontario, Kanada.

72.  I. Harre
Das Fächerlot Hydrosweep im Dienste der marinen Geowissenschaften
(The HYDROSWEEP Multi-Beam Echosounder in Marine Geosciences Applications)
Symposium "Technik für Erforschung und Schutz der Meere"
organised by 'Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft der Freien Hansestadt Bremen GmbH' in co-operation with 'Transferstelle Meerestechnik', Hanover Fair, 07.04.1992, published in 'Rundbrief No. 14' of 'Transferstelle Meerestechnik'.

71.  I. Harre
Recent Development in Hydrographic Survey Instrumentation
'Dredging for Port Development', Training Programme held at Indian Institute for Port Development, Mangalore, India, 27 Jan. – 07 Feb. 1992.

70.  I. Harre
State-of-the-Art Single and Multi-Beam Echosounders for Hydrographic Surveying and Ground Discrimination in Shallow Waters
Second Australasian Hydrographic Symposium
Sydney, Australia, 09 - 12.12.1991.

69.  I. Harre
New Technical Developments for Hydrographic Surveying, Oceanographic Research and Environmental Monitoring
INCOE-91, Fourth Indian Conference on Ocean Engineering,
National Institute of Oceanography
Dona Paula, Goa, India, 03 - 05.09.1991.

68.  I. Harre
Protection of the Marine Environment
from an Industrial Point of View

Canadian-German Symposium
Park-Hotel Bremen, 19/20.06.1991

67.  I. Harre
Hydrographie auf neuen Wegen
(New Ways for Hydrography)
AVN - Allgemeine Vermessungsnachrichten
No. 1,.Volume 98, January 1991
Darmstadt, ISSN 0002-5968

66.  I. Harre, V. Meyer
Area Surveying of Shallow Water Zones by Means of a Multibeam Fan-Type Echosounding System - System Configuration, Data Presentation, Accuracy Evaluation
The Hydrographic Journal, No. 59, January 1991
Plymouth, GB

65.  I. Harre and V. Meyer
Area Surveying of Shallow Water Zones by Means of a Multibeam Fan-Type Echosounding System
Geodetical Info Magazine, October 1990
Lemmer, The Netherlands, ISSN 0924-2023

64.  I. Harre
Mariner Umweltschutz aus industrieller Sicht
(Marine Environment Protection – an Industrial View)
7th Hydrographers' Days: "Hydrographie und Umweltschutz",
Hamburg, 26/27.09.90, published in the conference proceedings, ISBN-No. 3-9801969-1-7

63.  I. Harre
Hydrographie auf neuen Wegen
(New Ways for Hydrography)
Hansa, No. 17/18, 1990, Hamburg

62.  I. Harre
Environmental Protection - A Challenge To Industry
German Maritime Industry Journal, Special Edition "Krupp Atlas Elektronik", Volume 6, August 1990

61.  I. Harre
Umweltschutz - Herausforderung für die Industrie
Im Spannungsfeld von Ökologie und Ökonomie
(Environment Protection – A Challenge to Industry)
MODULAR E, Berichte und Informationen der Krupp Atlas Elektronik Gruppe, Vol. 3, Issue 1/90

60.  I. Harre, V. Meyer
Area Surveying of Shallow Water Zones By Means of a Multibeam Fan-type Echosounding System -
System Configuration, Data Presentation, Accuracy Evaluation

HYDRO 90, The fourth biennial National Ocean Service International Conference, Norfolk, Virginia, USA, 01 -04.05.1990, published in the conference proceedings.

59.  I. Harre
Surveying with a Multibeam Shallow Water Sweeping Echosounder

prepared for the symposium 'Third National Conference on Dock and Harbour Engineering', Surathkal, India

58.  I. Harre
Meßergebnisse mit einem Flachwasser-Fächerlot und Ergebnisse der Datenverarbeitung mittels Digitalen Geländemodells auf einem Tischrechner
(Survey Results Obtained by a Shallow-Water Multibeam Sounder and Dataprocessing Results using a Digital Terrain Model)
5th Hydrographers' Days of Deutsche Hydrographische Gesellschaft, 25./26. May 1989, Kiel
published in the conference proceedings.

57.  I. Harre
Modern Systems for Sea-Bed Surveying and for Protection of the Marine Environment
MARETEC, Symposium Maritime Technology and Marine Science
16 –20 May 1989, Wilhelmshaven,
published in the conference proceedings.

56.  I. Harre
Accuracy Evaluation of Polar Positioning Systems Taking Polarfix as an Example
International Hydrographic Review, No. 1, 1990,

55.  I. Harre
Up-to-Date Electronics for Ocean Floor Reconnaissance -
Means of Gathering Knowledge with Respect to Bottom Topology, Sedimentation, and Mineral Resources

Offshore & Marine India '89, Conference sponsored by 'Chemtech Foundation' - the Indian Association for Technology Transfer & Upgradation, Bombay, India, 09.02.89

54.  I. Harre
Neuzeitliche Echolotverfahren für die Flächenvermessung und Sedimentlotung
(Up-to-Date Techniques for Full-Coverage Surveying and Sediment Echosounding)
Transferstelle Meerestechnik der Universität Bremen
Bremen, 21.11.88, short version published in Circular Letter No. 4.

53.  I. Harre
Flächenvermessungssysteme - Eine Einführung in Anwendung und Technik von Verfahren zur hochauflösenden und flächendeckenden Tiefenvermessung von Binnengewässern und Seegebieten
(Area Survey Systems – An Introduction to the Application and Technique of Systems for High-Resolution and Full-Coverage Surveying of Inshore Waters and High-Seas)
4th Hydrographers' Days: "Neue Technologien in Ortung und Navigation", Deutsche Hydrographische Gesellschaft, published in the conference proceedings,
ISBN 3-9801969-0-9, Hamburg, 1990

52.  I. Harre
Neue Flächenvermessungssysteme für die Hydrographie
New Area-Survey Systems for Hydrography
Modular E, Berichte und Informationen der Krupp Atlas Elektronik Gruppe, 2nd Edition, Bremen, September 1988

51.  I. Harre
Genauigkeitsbetrachtungen zur Polarortung am Beispiel der POLARFIX-Anlage
(Accuracy Considerations in Polar Positioning Systems taking POLARFIX as an example)
DHyG Information No. 11, Deutsche Hydrographische Gesellschaft, Stade, July 1988

50.  H. Wentzell, I. Harre
Echolottechnik für die Vermessung von Binnen- und Küstengewässern
(Echo Sounder Technology for Hydrographic Surveying of Inshore and Coastal Waters)_
Krupp-Symposium on the occasion of Leipzig Fair,
15. März 1988

49.  Ingo Harre
New Technology for Hydrographic and Oceanographic Research
TECHNOGERMA INDIA '88, Exhibition / Technical Lectures
sponsored by Federal Ministry of Economics, Bonn
New Delhi, 14. März 1988,
published as a special print by AUMA, München, 1988

48.  Ingo Harre
Nautische und wissenschaftliche Ausrüstung des FS "Meteor"
(Nautical and Research Electronics Aboard R/V METEOR)
Nautischer Verein zu Bremen, 12.01.88

47.  Ingo Harre
Functional Area Integration on Merchant and Research Vessels
"Data Dissemination and Display - Electronics in Navigation", NAV '87 - 1987 Conference of the Royal Institute of Navigation, London, 1987,
published in the conference proceedings.

46.  Ingo Harre
ATLAS DESO 25 - neue Technologie für Forschungs- und Vermessungsechographen
(DESO 25 - New Technology for Research and Survey Echosounders – in Chinese language)
Schiff und Hafen, Chinese Edition, Hamburg/Hongkong

45.  Ingo Harre
ATLAS DESO 25 - neue Technologie für Forschungs- und Vermessungsechographen
(DESO 25 - New Technology for Research and Survey Echosounders)
Schiff und Hafen No. 9, 1987, Hamburg

44.  Ingo Harre
ATLAS PARASOUND, a new approach for sea bed morphology recording_and sub-bottom profiling
Exhibitors' Seminar of 13th International Hydrographic Conference, Monaco, 11.05.87

43.  Ingo Harre_(read by J.J. Andersin, OY SCANMARINE)
Integrated Research Electronics onboard R/V "METEOR"
Automation Days 87, Helsinki, 12 - 14.05.87
published in Vol. 1 of the conference proceedings

42.  Ingo Harre
METEOR: New dimensions for hydrographic and oceanographic_research
Maritime Industry Special, No.2, May 1987, Verlag Maritim GmbH, Grosshansdorf/Hamburg

41.  Ingo Harre
DOLOG - Vital Sensors for Navigation
Maritime Industry Special, No.2, May 1987
Verlag Maritim GmbH, Grosshansdorf/Hamburg

40.  Ingo Harre
Modellieren von Navigationsfehlern: Entwicklung eines Fehlerkreismodells
(Modelling of Navigation Errors – Development of a Circular Error Algorithm)
Session of 'DGON-Schiffahrtskommission', Hamburg, 01.04.87, published in 'Ortung und Navigation', No. III, 1987, Düsseldorf

39.  Ingo Harre
Systems for Marine Geodesy and Geology
IMO/IHO Hydrographic Workshop, Chulalongkorn University,
Bangkok, Thailand, 24.03.87,
published in the conference proceedings.

38.  Ingo Harre
Ocean Floor Reconnaissance: A three-dimensional task
Underwater Systems Design, November/December 1986,

37.  Ingo Harre
Die Brücke der Zukunft auf Handels- und Forschungsschiffen
(Ship's Bridge of the Future aboard Merchant and Research Vessels)
Nautischer Verein Wilhelmshaven, 28.10.86

36.  Ingo Harre
3D Surveying - Inshore and Offshore
United Nations Inter-Regional Seminar on Hydrographic Surveying_and Bathymetric Charting, 02 - 05.09.1986, Hamburg.

35.  Ingo Harre, Rolf-Rüdiger Wittstock
An Integrated System for the Next Research Vessel Generation
Marine Technology / Meerestechnik, Vol. 17 (1986) No. 3, VDI-Verlag, Düsseldorf

34.  Ingo Harre
Elektronische Systeme für die Forschungsschiffahrt /
Electronic Systems for Research Shipping
Europäische Gegenwart, No. 1+2, 1986
Verlag für wirtschaftliche Informationen, Köln

33.  Ingo Harre
Marine Electronics for Navigation, Hydrography, Research, and_Simulation
Special Programme for Foreign Visitors organised by 'Marineinformationsgruppe (MIG) e.V.' on the occasion of
the symposium: "Meerestechnik und Internationale Zusammenarbeit", Wilhelmshaven, 23.05.86

32.  Ingo Harre
Ocean Floor Reconnaissance - A Three-Dimensional Task
Marine Technology / Meerestechnik, Vol. 17 (1986), No. 2, VDI-Verlag GmbH, Düsseldorf

31.  I. Harre
Ocean Floor Reconnaissance_
World Energy Business Centre Yearbook 1986
Sterling Publications Ltd, London.

30.  Ingo Harre
Survey Systems for Inland Waterways and Offshore Application
Conference by the German Machinery and Plant Manufacturers Association (VDMA), Bombay, India, 12.02.86

29.  Ingo Harre
Navigationssysteme für die Schiffahrt – heute
(Ship's Navigation Systems as of Today)
Nautischer Verein Nordfriesland, Husum, 10.01.86

28.  I. Harre
A clearer view for shipboard radar:
the rasterscan display technique

VERITAS, Nov./Dec. 1985, Sidcup, Kent, England

27.  I. Harre
Fahrteinspeisung in TM-Radargeräte und ARPA
(Speed Input into TM Radar and ARPA Systems)
HANSA, No. 22, 1985, Hamburg

26.  I. Harre
Die Schiffsbrücke: gestern, heute und morgen
(Ship's Bridges – Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow)
Handbuch für Hafenbau und Umschlagstechnik, Band XXX,
Schiffahrtsverlag "HANSA", Hamburg, 1985

25.  I. Harre
RASTERSCAN - eine neue Radarbilddarstellung setzt sich durch
(RASTERSCAN – A New Presentation Technology for the Radar Image Finds its Break-Through)
Schiff & Hafen, No. 6, 1985, Hamburg

24.  I. Harre
Navigationssysteme für die Schiffahrt – heute
(State-of-the-Art Navigation Systems for Shipping)
Nautischer Verein zu Bremen / Die Wittheit zu Bremen
Bremen, 12.03.85, published in: Ortung & Navigation, No. 1, 1985, Düsseldorf

23.  I. Harre
Modern Systems for Navigation and Hydrography
Symposium on the occasion of "MARINEX III"
organised by: Verband Deutscher Maschinenbauanstalten (VDMA) and Verband der Deutschen Schiffbauindustrie (VDS), Jakarta, Indonesia, 30.01.85

22.     Problemkreis "Navigation"
(Area of Interest 'Navigation')
NAVITEAM 84, company-internal Seminar by KRUPP ATLAS ELEKTRONIK, Delmenhorst, 09.12.84

21.  I. Harre
Automation des Leitstandes "Brücke"
(Automation of the Control Centre 'Ship's Bridge')
Schiff & Hafen No. 12, 1984, Hamburg.

20.  I. Harre
A Systems Approach to the Navigation Bridge
Safety at Sea , Nov. 1984, London.

19.  I. Harre
Neuere Entwicklungen auf dem Gebiet der Satelliten-Navigation
(Latest Developments in the Area of Satellite Navigation)
cmpany-internal sminar at KRUPP ATLAS ELEKTRONIK
Bremen, 18.06.84.

18.  I. Harre
Die Schiffsbrücke - gestern, heute und morgen
(Ship's Bridges – Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow)
HANSA No. 6, 1984, Hamburg

17.  I. Harre (read by D. Schudlich)
The Navigation Bridge - Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
Symposium "MARINTEC CHINA", published in in the conference proceedings (in Chinese), Schanghai, 1983

16.  I. Harre
The Navigation Bridge - Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow_
"Computerized Ship Operation, Possibilities - Consequences", Symposium at Universität of Sundsvall/Härnösand, Schweden, 1983

15.  I. Harre
A Decade of Doppler
Safety at Sea, Jul. 1981, London, U.K.

14.  I. Harre
Zehn Jahre DOLOG-Systeme mit ALPHA-Schwingertechnik
(Ten Years of DOLOG Systems using ALPHA Transducer Technology)
HANSA No. 15/16, 1981, Hamburg

13.  I. Harre_
Doppler Sonar:  Ten Years of Dolog with Alpha
Lloyd's Ship Manager, Jun. 1981, London.

12.  I. Harre
Positionsgenauigkeiten von Navigationsverfahren
(Position Accuracy of Navigation Systems)
DGON-Schiffahrtskommission, published in: Ortung & Navigation, No. 3, 1980, Hamburg/Düsseldorf.

11.  I. Harre, M. Henkel
Measuring and Displaying the Components of Ship's Motions to Assist Decision-Making When Manoeuvring
"Man and Navigation", 1st Congress of the International Association of Institutes of Navigation, published in the conference proceedings by the Royal Institute of Navigation, Brighton/London, 1979.

10.  I. Harre
Doppler Speed Measuring Systems
Ship & Boat International, Sept. 1978, London.

9.   I. Harre
Marine Navigation
European Workshop on Space, Oceanography, Navigation and
Geodynamics (SONG), organised by European Space Agency, Schloß Elmau, Bayaria, 1977, published in the conference proceedings: ESA SP 137.

8.   I. Harre
Messung der Bewegungskomponenten von Schiffen
(Measuring Ship's Motion Components)
DGON Schiffahrtskommission, published in: Ortung & Navigation, No. IV, 1977, Hamburg/Düsseldorf.

7.   I. Harre
Doppler Geschwindigkeitsmeßeinrichtungen -
Funktion und_Anwendungen
(Doppler Speed Measuring Systems – Function and Applications)
Schiff & Hafen No.  8, 1977, Hamburg

6.   I. Harre
Atlas Dolog Systems -
Means For Precise And Safe Navigation

4th Whitehall Club Show, New York, 1977

5.   I. Harre
Navigational Systems of VIKING PIPER
Schiff & Hafen No.4, 1976, Hamburg

4.   Dr. C.-W. Busch, I. Harre, A. Weiss
Doppler-Logs zur Bestimmung der Längs- und Quergeschwindigkeit von Seeschiffen
(Doppler Logs for the Determination of Ship's Longitudinal and Transversal Speed Components)
HANSA No. 11, 1975, Hamburg

3.   I. Harre
Der Atlas Alpha Doppler Navigator - Eine Kurzbeschreibung
(Atlas Alpha Doppler Navigator – A Short Description)
HANSA No. 8, 1975, Hamburg

2.   I. Harre
Sonar-Doppler-Logs für die Schiffahrt
(Sonar Doppler Logs for Shipping)
HANSA No. 11, 1974, Hamburg

1.   W. Stedtnitz, H. Helms, I. Harre
The Atlas ALPHA Doppler Navigator
Fédération Internationale des Géomètres (FIG) -_
XIV. International Congress of Surveyors
Washington, D.C., 1974